Yogurt Vs Curd: A Guide To Choosing The Best One For Your Health & Weight Loss Goals

Are you confused about the difference between yoghurt and curd? You're not alone! These fermented dairy products are both champions for gut health and overall well-being. But if your goal is weight loss, you might wonder which one takes the crown. Fret not!

This blog will explore the key differences between curd and yoghurt, including their nutritional value. We'll also explore how each can support your weight loss journey and help you reach a healthier you!

What Is Curd And Yogurt?

Curd and yoghurt, often used interchangeably, are dairy products with subtle differences. Curd is a traditional dairy product made by coagulating milk with acidic substances like lemon juice or vinegar. It has a slightly sour taste and a thicker consistency compared to yoghurt.

Yogurt, on the other hand, is made by fermenting milk with specific bacterial cultures, resulting in a creamy texture and tangy flavour. While both are rich in probiotics and offer health benefits, yoghurt is generally smoother and more consistent due to controlled fermentation processes. Ultimately, whether yoghurt or curd is better depends on individual preferences and dietary needs.

Yogurt Vs Curd Nutritional Value

To understand the difference between curd and yoghurt, we should first examine their nutritional value. This will shed light on the unique benefits each fermented dairy product offers.


  • Rich source of calcium, essential for bone health.

  • Contains protein, aiding in muscle repair and growth.

  • High in vitamins such as B12, supporting nerve function.

  • Provides probiotics, promoting gut health and aiding digestion.

  • Generally lower in calories compared to yoghurt.


  • High in calcium, supporting bone health and dental strength.

  • Rich source of protein, essential for muscle development and repair.

  • Contains live cultures of beneficial bacteria, aiding in digestion and boosting immune function.

  • Provides probiotics, promoting gut health and aiding digestion.

  • May have lower lactose content than curd, making it easier to digest for some individuals.

Difference Between Curd And Yogurt Based On The Method Of Preparation

Curd and yoghurt are the two terms that have often been considered to be synonymous. However, you will be surprised to know that they are in fact, different from each other. Curd or dahi is a dairy product that is made by curdling milk with edible acidic substances like lemon juice, vinegar and even curd itself. All you need to do is add a spoonful of curd or a few drops of lemon juice or tsp of vinegar in warm milk and let it stay. It takes around 6 to 8 hours for the milk to turn into curd.

Yogurt, on the other hand, is created by the bacterial fermentation of milk. To make yoghurt, a yoghurt culture consists of good bacteria. Let's find out which of the two is healthier and which one of them is better for weight loss.

Difference Between Curd And Yogurt On Flavours Available

The main difference between curd and yoghurt lies in the variety of flavours available. Curd is traditionally unflavored, with a tart taste that comes from the fermentation process. It may be sweetened with honey or jaggery at home, but commercially available curd is mostly plain.

Yogurt, on the other hand, comes in a wide variety of flavours, from fruits like strawberry and mango to more decadent options like chocolate and peanut butter. This is because yoghurt manufacturers can control the bacteria strains used in fermentation, allowing for more sweetness and flavour variation. Understanding these flavour differences allows for more informed choices and enhances the enjoyment of these dairy products in various dishes.

Curd Vs Yogurt Health Benefits

Curd and yoghurt are both dairy products packed with nutrients that offer a variety of health benefits. Let's look at what each brings to the table.

Health Benefits Of Curd

  • Boosts Digestion: Curd is packed with probiotics, friendly bacteria that aid digestion by breaking down food and promoting nutrient absorption.

  • Strengthens Immunity: The same probiotics in curd can fight off harmful bacteria and contribute to a stronger immune system.

  • Promotes Bone Health: Rich in calcium and often fortified with vitamin D, curd helps build and maintain strong bones and teeth.

  • Supports Healthy Skin: Curd may be beneficial for skin health. Some people use it in face masks due to its potentially soothing and hydrating properties.

Health Benefits Of Yogurt

  • Packed with Nutrients: Yogurt is a powerhouse of essential nutrients like calcium, protein, B vitamins, and sometimes vitamin D.

  • Promotes Gut Health: Live and active cultures in yoghurt, also known as probiotics, can improve gut health by aiding digestion and reducing inflammation.

  • Boost Immunity: Probiotics in yoghurt might help strengthen your immune system and fight off harmful bacteria.

  • Aid Weight Management: Similar to curd, yoghurt's protein content can keep you feeling full for longer, potentially helping with weight management goals.

Which Is Better Curd Or Yogurt For Weight Loss?

Both yoghurt and curd can be part of a weight-loss diet. They are good sources of protein, which can help you feel fuller for longer and may reduce cravings. This can help you consume fewer calories overall.

However, Yogurt is a great source of protein, potassium, and Vitamin B5. Because it is protein-rich, yoghurt is beneficial for weight loss. It is the preference of people with high blood pressure due to its potassium content.

Find Your Perfect Curd & Yogurt Match with Rufil

When it comes to fresh, high-quality curd and yoghurt, look no further than Rufil! Rufil offers a delightful variety of high-quality curd and yoghurt. From Swiss yoghurt in various flavours to natural curd, creamy, or thick curd options, they cater to all tastes. Whether you prefer plain or Greek style, Rufil has something to tantalise your taste buds and suit your dietary needs.

Ending Note

Curd and yoghurt, while both creamy and tart dairy delights, offer subtle differences. This exploration hopefully clarifies any confusion between "curd vs yoghurt." Both can be valuable allies in your weight loss journey. While their nutritional profiles have some variations, they boast protein and gut-friendly bacteria to keep you feeling satisfied and support a healthy digestive system.

However, when it comes to weight loss, yoghurt tends to be more popular due to its lower calorie content and higher protein levels. Nevertheless, curd also offers its own set of nutritional benefits. Understanding the distinctions and nutritional values between curd and yoghurt is crucial for making informed dietary choices. Ultimately, whether you opt for curd or yoghurt, both can be incorporated into a balanced diet to support your weight loss journey and overall well-being!